Sustainability & COP28: What It Means for Boards

ISBN: 978-978-788-080-7

In the wake of accelerating environmental challenges and global calls for action, the world finds itself at a critical juncture. Each year, the urgency to address sustainability issues becomes more pressing, echoing through the corridors of power and resonating within corporate boardrooms worldwide.

As we stand on the cusp of COP28, the latest chapter in the long history of international climate negotiations, it is crucial to enunciate the role of corporate boards in shaping our collective future. For boards, COP28 should represent more than just another summit; it is a pivotal moment of reckoning, a call to action, and an opportunity to redefine their purpose in sustainable governance.

In this book, we embark on a journey to explore the intricate interplay between sustainability and corporate boards. We delve into the complex dynamics of environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic viability, examining how these intersecting forces shape boardroom decision-making and corporate strategy.

Through insightful analysis and real-world case studies, we aim to illuminate the path forward for boards grappling with the imperatives of sustainability. From climate resilience and carbon neutrality to stakeholder engagement and ESG integration, we confront the myriad challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The journey towards redefining the purpose of a board in ensuring sustainable governance goes beyond analysing the current situation; it is about determining how to move forward with significant change. It is also about empowering boards to transcend traditional paradigms and embrace a new ethos of sustainable leadership, accelerating a paradigm change in corporate governance so that social and environmental issues are at the centre of decision-making.

As we embark on this quest for sustainable governance, we are invited to heed the lessons of the past, embrace the present challenges, and envision a future where planetary well-being is synonymous with profitability. Together, let us create the route towards a more sustainable society, one boardroom at a time.

Professor Fabian Ajogwu, OFR, SAN
Victoria Island, Lagos
21 March, 2024

Dr. Onajite Newton
21 March, 2024




5B, Lawani Oduloye Street, Oniru, Victoria Island, Lagos.