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Kenna Partners Organises Pottery Workshop for Firm Members

In a fast-paced profession where deadlines and client demands often take precedence, the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and nurturing strong team bonds cannot be overstated. Recognising this, Kenna Partners, recently organised a pottery workshop aimed at providing firm members with a much-needed distraction from the rigours of everyday work, while serving as a veritable platform to strengthen interpersonal relationships and reinforce the sense of comradeship among colleagues.

The workshop, which was facilitated by professional ceramicists, provided participants with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the tactile work of pottery. From moulding clay to working on the potter’s wheel for crafting unique pieces and beautifying the creations with decorative techniques, the hands-on nature of the workshop allowed participants to engage in a refreshing activity markedly different from the norm.

Commenting on the initiative, the Sustainability & Development Manager at Kenna Partners, Ms Funmilayo Adeshina, maintained: “Hosting the workshop was a strategic decision from the Firm to help staff recharge their batteries and inspire collaboration among members. We recognise that we operate in a mentally tasking environment where the work pressure can at times be overwhelming, hence the need to constantly create avenues for our people to step away from their desks and engage in activities that foster happiness and togetherness.”

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